Vision and Mission

To be the best high quality traditional wooden window and door manufacturer in Europe.
Ensure customer satisfaction with both the product quality and proffessional services.
More than 25 years of experience in Estonia, Nordic Countries, UK, Ireland, USA, Canada and Japan
Call us: +372 384 8900
Viking Window AS was established in 1996.a. as a joint venture with a Danish window manufacturer Rationel Vinduer.
Since the beginning company's activities have been focused on core values which are quality, bespoke products, accuracy and continuous improvement. In product quality we line according Vindus Industrien (Denmark) Technical Requirements which is considered the best practice in window industry.
To be the best high quality traditional wooden window and door manufacturer in Europe.
Ensure customer satisfaction with both the product quality and proffessional services.
Viking Window AS is ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified company.
In 2001. our managing team bougth all of the shares and since then we are 100% Estonian company.
Today Viking Window has bocome internationally known brand of high quality and focus on bespoke solutions. Our main markets include Estonia, UK, Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Latvia and we have supplied also to Iceland, France, USA, Canada, Japan, Netherlands and Finland.
In association with increasing the capacity and effectiveness of its production Viking Window AS hereby announces the following tender:
For additional information, please register to the tender in the Estonian E-Procurement Register (reference number 230627)
The project is applying for support from the European Regional Development Fund (Project number 2014-2020.4.03.20-0634).
This is not a public procurement defined by the Public Procurement Act. However, the tender process follows the principles of Public Procurement Act § 3.
Viking Window AS
Mäo 72751 Järvamaa
Ph +372 384 8900
Fax +372 385 3027